The staff at St George’s Preschool want to provide your child with the best possible opportunities to learn through their play. The system of planning we use is called “In The Moment”. This means the activities we provide are led by what the children are interested in at the time.
Young children have a natural desire to learn, explore and question. We aim to offer an environment that enables child-initiated play and gives us the opportunity to develop their learning through our questioning and extension of their play. Staff help the children progress by using their professional judgement to provide what the children need to extend their learning.
Careful observation by staff is key to using this approach. Although we observe all the children, we have a few “focus” children each week. When it is your child’s focus week, you will be asked to contribute to their learning journey with your own information about what they are doing at home, what their interests are, what milestones they achieve etc.
As a setting using the “in the moment” approach we will:
You can help us with your child’s learning journey by telling us what they have been doing at home. This could be by filling in the “focus child” sheet or by putting some photographs and information onto the Tapestry system. It is important that you log into Tapestry regularly to see and contribute to your child’s learning. We will feedback information about your child’s focus week and provide suggestions of how you can support their learning at home.
In the moment planning and child-initiated play is a fun and relaxed way for children to learn and progress. We have found that, using this approach, both children and staff are enthusiastic, engaged, relaxed, and forge important relationships.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of the Preschool staff.
25th May 2021